Hola I'm Heunny

Circle arrow That's hello in Spanish

I'm a 2 year-old girl and I live with my mother and father in Ecuador.

icon birthday

My birthday is the 9th May.

icon loves

I love dancing.

icon education

I' m too young to attend school, so I participate in Home Based Compassion programme activities.

£32 per month will empower her to overcome poverty

In my family, the adults work as a Agriculture / Farmer and Homemaker.

I have 0 brothers and 1 sister living with the family.

Church Partner:


Closest Major City:


Most Commonly Spoken Language:

No. of Residents:

Most Common Occupation:

Typical House Construction:

  • Roof: Tin/Corrugated Iron, 
  • Wall: Brick/Block/Cement, 
  • Floor: Cement

Regional Diet:

  • Beef, 
  • Bread, 
  • Chickens, 
  • Fish, 
  • Guinea Pig, 
  • Potato, 
  • Rice, 
  • Cereal, 
  • Pork, 
  • Green Gram

Capital City:



15.86 million

Life expectancy:

 male 73.6 years, female 79.67 years

Population with improved drinking water:

 urban 93.4%, rural 75.5%

Adult literacy rate:

 male 95.4%, female 93.5%

Infant mortality rate:


Under 5 mortality rate:



Roman Catholic 74%, Evangelical 10.4%, Jehovah’s Witness 1.2%, other 6.4% (includes Mormon Buddhist, Jewish, Spiritualist, Muslim, Hindu, indigenous religions, African American religions, Pentecostal), atheist 7.9%, agnostic 0.1%

Percentage living on less than $1.90 a day:

4.43% (700,000)

My Family

My Project

My Country

In my family, the adults work as a Agriculture / Farmer and Homemaker.

I have 0 brothers and 1 sister living with the family.

Church Partner:


Closest Major City:


Most Commonly Spoken Language:

No. of Residents:

Most Common Occupation:

Typical House Construction:

  • Roof: Tin/Corrugated Iron, 
  • Wall: Brick/Block/Cement, 
  • Floor: Cement

Regional Diet:

  • Beef, 
  • Bread, 
  • Chickens, 
  • Fish, 
  • Guinea Pig, 
  • Potato, 
  • Rice, 
  • Cereal, 
  • Pork, 
  • Green Gram

Capital City:



15.86 million

Life expectancy:

 male 73.6 years, female 79.67 years

Population with improved drinking water:

 urban 93.4%, rural 75.5%

Adult literacy rate:

 male 95.4%, female 93.5%

Infant mortality rate:


Under 5 mortality rate:



Roman Catholic 74%, Evangelical 10.4%, Jehovah’s Witness 1.2%, other 6.4% (includes Mormon Buddhist, Jewish, Spiritualist, Muslim, Hindu, indigenous religions, African American religions, Pentecostal), atheist 7.9%, agnostic 0.1%

Percentage living on less than $1.90 a day:

4.43% (700,000)

Heunny's project in Ecuador


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01932 836490 - Lines are open from 10am-5pm, Monday to Friday.
Please leave a voicemail if you call outside these hours and we’ll get in touch as soon as we can.

Compassion UK Christian Child Development, registered charity in England and Wales (1077216) and Scotland (SC045059). A company limited by guarantee, Registered in England and Wales company number 03719092. Registered address: Compassion House, Barley Way, Fleet, Hampshire, GU51 2UT.

