July 2024

This year, we’re celebrating 25 years as Compassion UK! That means 25 years of having seen God’s goodness shown to children, releasing them from poverty through the love and support of local churches around the world.

Inside the magazine, you’ll find a timeline showing how far we’ve come thanks to God’s gracious guidance. You’ll see beautiful examples of how coming alongside children through sponsorship ripples out to bless their families and whole communities. You’ll also read about our bold vision for releasing even more children from poverty in Jesus’ name by the end of the decade.

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Compassion UK Christian Child Development, registered charity in England and Wales (1077216) and Scotland (SC045059). A company limited by guarantee, Registered in England and Wales company number 03719092. Registered address: Compassion House, Barley Way, Fleet, Hampshire, GU51 2UT.