Compassion Christmas greeting

Remind your sponsored child that they’re known and loved this Christmas.

icon_dark_blue_writing Write a greeting
Compassion Christmas Gift

Give your sponsored child, and 2.3 million other children, a hand-chosen present.

icon_dark_blue_giving Give a gift

Share the Good News this Christmas

Matthew 1:23 reminds us that God is with us! It’s both a statement and a promise. No matter who you are, where you come from, or what you’re going through, you’re not alone. It’s a message of hope that we invite you to share with your sponsored child this Christmas by writing a short Christmas greeting.

We also invite you to donate to our Christmas Appeal, enabling more than 2.3 million children globally to hear the truth that “God is with us”. They’ll attend a Christmas celebration hosted by their local church. The gifts and food they’ll receive thanks to your generosity will also be a practical demonstration of God’s love. Our project staff will hand choose gifts that children really need, whether clothes, shoes, toys or timely food parcels.

Send your Christmas greeting.

So many children we serve treasure the kind words from their sponsors during this time. Your encouragement this Christmas will bring great joy to your sponsored children.

Send a greeting

Make a donation today.

Thanks to your generosity, our church partners will host Christmas parties for children, their families and wider communities, sharing the Good News that “Immanuel, God is with us”. You’ll also play a part in giving 2.3 million children a gift they really need, whether clothes, shoes, toys or timely food parcels.
Or enter your own amount

Total: £49.00

Or enter your address manually

“At my Compassion project, they teach us that Christmas is a time to share the love of Jesus — it’s about remembering the birth of our Saviour and that thanks to His love, we can all be saved. We’re each given a Christmas present, too! It makes me so happy. I love that I get to play with all my friends; we stay up late having so much fun.”

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“Every time I get a letter from my sponsor, I go to the mountain where I have my animals, and I sit on the grass and read them many times to memorize everything my sponsor tells me.”

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“Jesus is the reason for the season and I won't miss the opportunity provided by the Christmas celebration at the project to preach to my people. [Last year] our church was able to serve lunch to more than 700 people in the community. We shared the love of God and Jesus' story and the celebration was truly awesome.”

Pastor Barthelemy, Burkina Faso


“At the centre, they give us new clothes. They cook delicious meals that we enjoy, they play music for us, and we dance. We play games and have fun. Christmas celebrations at the centre are always beautiful.”

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Your Christmas questions answered

Some of the questions you may have about sending a greeting or giving to our Christmas Appeal.

Absolutely, and we’d really encourage you to. We’ll do everything we can to deliver your message in time, but please try and write as soon as possible. Even if your message doesn’t quite arrive on time, it will still bring great joy to your sponsored child to know that you’re thinking of them. Simply visit to send a message of encouragement. 

With more than 2.3 million children registered in Compassion projects around the world, it takes time for our project staff to select appropriate presents for every child depending on their individual needs. Writing your greeting as early as possible gives us enough time to process, translate and arrange the delivery of all our sponsors’ messages.

Our Frontline Church Partners will try to guide families on ways to spend gifts when they are disbursed as cash, but the decision will be made by the child’s caregiver(s). We recognise that, in some cases, meeting a family’s critical needs will be the right choice in the best interests of the child. Caregivers are well placed to make this choice.

Need some extra help? Please don't hesitate to contact our friendly team on: 01932 836490. Lines are open from 10am-5pm Monday to Friday. Please leave a voicemail if you call outside these hours.

Compassion UK Christian Child Development, registered charity in England and Wales (1077216) and Scotland (SC045059). A company limited by guarantee, Registered in England and Wales company number 03719092. Registered address: Compassion House, Barley Way, Fleet, Hampshire, GU51 2UT.

