7 Day Wellness Action Plan Inspired by Sponsored Children

Look after yourself this new year with tips inspired by the quality care children receive in the Compassion programme.

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It can be tricky to prioritise our own wellness and wellbeing, especially during challenging times.

In theory, we know how important it is to look after ourselves. We know the immense value God has placed on us, and the Biblical call to treat our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit. Yet, when it comes to day to day life, busyness and other demands can easily take over.

That’s why we’ve created our Biblically-based Christian wellness tips.

Based on aspects of the Compassion curriculum, our wellness action plan is inspired by the 2.2 million children we’re serving around the world. We’re committed to caring for every area of a child’s life including their mind, body, heart and soul!

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7 steps to self-care – inspired by children!

Take the 7 day challenge and care for your heart, mind body and soul. You could even write to your sponsored child letting them know how you get on.

Biblical health and wellness plan

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Wellness action plan tip 1: Go for a nature walk

“How many are your works, Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.” Psalm 104:24

Getting out and about is so good for our health and wellbeing. A number of studies have found that time outdoors relieves stress, improves memory and attention, and even boosts creativity. Put some time aside in the upcoming week to wrap up warm and head out to your local beauty spot for exercise.

Compassion programme fact: As part of the Compassion curriculum, children take part in different educational activities. For children aged 3 to 5 this includes learning about their five senses.

Inspiration corner: We’re so inspired by the tenacity of six-year-old Deymar from Bolivia who walks an hour to school every day! Fuelled by a breakfast of oatmeal and milk, Deymar tackles the one-hour journey from his community of Tumuyo to the nearest public transport spot where he can get a bus to La Paz city.

walking to school Bolivia

It may be a challenging journey, but in Deymar’s mind, there’s no doubt it’s worth it!

“I sometimes get tired of walking but I like to go to school,” he explains. “Sometimes I play kicking stones while I walk. I want to learn. I am learning to write.”

Wellness action plan tip 2: Compliment someone

“Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” Proverbs 16:24

Giving genuine compliments can increase our empathy and give our wellbeing a boost. What’s more, the Bible is full of encouragements to use our words kindly to build others up! Take on Solomon’s advice today and find an opportunity to make someone’s day.

Compassion programme fact: Through Compassion project activities, children are encouraged to build friendships which increases their social skills and confidence.

Inspiration corner: Karunia’s mum’s words have certainly been honeycomb for this precious young girl from Indonesia.

“I am beautiful like my mother,” Karunia explains. “When my friends mocked me because I don’t have normal fingers, my mum taught me to say back to them that this is what Jesus gave me.”

defeating disability prejudice Indonesia

Karunia was born with Apert syndrome, a congenital condition where the bones fuse together too early in the womb. It affects the skull, hands and feet. While treatment is available, there is no cure.

Through the support of her loving parents and Compassion’s church partner, she’s not only confident but helping to transform her community’s mindset about acceptance toward people with special needs.

“I love to play with my friends at school and at the centre. I love to lead prayers or singing,” she beams.

Wellness action plan tip 3: Set a new fitness goal

“For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” 1 Timothy 4:8

Physical activity can boost your energy levels and improve your mood. If you need some inspiration to get you started, check out our 10k training guide. You could also sign up to a Compassion Challenge, setting yourself a clear fitness goal to aim for.

Compassion programme fact: Our church-driven projects provide children and young people with safe places to play. This may sound simple, but the impact can be huge! Children who often face burdens beyond their years get the opportunity just to run around and be kids. Young people are given the opportunity to discover and develop different vocations and talents.

Inspiration corner: Meet a little champion! Four-year-old Jeronimo was born with hip dysplasia, which meant that when he began to walk, he would constantly fall. The doctor recommended that Jeronimo take up a sport to assist with his therapy—and today he’s skating like pro!

rollerskating for fitness

It was expensive to get Jeronimo the equipment required to take up the sport, and so his mother Laura approached his Compassion project. Together, Jeronimo’s parents and the project were able to purchase the skates he needed.

Jeronimo trains each day after attending the Compassion programme, and he continues to see great improvement!

“Jeronimo no longer falls and is able to run and play with his friends. He is improving, and I know he can accomplish his dreams,” says Laura.

Jeronimo can’t wait to become a professional skater one day. “I want to be a professional skater and have professional skates. I think I want them to be black, or they could also be blue,” he explains with great glee.

Wellness action plan tip 4: Do a random act of kindness

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself. ’There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31

The Bible is clear in its call for us to love our neighbour as ourselves. Perhaps it’s therefore no surprise that helping others can reduce your stress levels and increase your mental wellbeing. What’s more, your random act of kindness could really bless a neighbour or friend who is feeling lonely.

Compassion programme fact: For the three to five year olds in the Compassion programme socio-emotional lessons might include learning how to treat others.

Inspiration corner: Meet Magnim. She owned only one skirt, a second-hand t-shirt and a pair of shoes when she was registered into Compassion’s Child Sponsorship Programme. A special financial gift from her sponsor soon changed that, though! Her parents used the money to buy their little girl some new clothes.

Magnim from Togo

The brightly patterned dresses looked beautiful on her. But as thrilled as Mangim was, she wished her friends had new clothes to wear, too. On Sundays, they wore their school uniforms to church: the only clothes they had. Wanting to bless her friends too, she insisted on giving away five of her new clothes – half of what she owned – to her friends. They were overwhelmed at her generosity.

“It takes only love to do that because even for us adults it is difficult to share our goods with our friends,” says Esso, mum to one of Magnim’s friends. “Magnim’s gesture is an act of love.”

Wellness action plan tip 5: Drink plenty of water today

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.” 1 Corinthians 6:19

Drinking lots of water and keeping hydrated can improve your concentration and help to boost productivity.

Compassion programme fact: As part of the curriculum about staying well and healthy, children and their families are taught about the importance of safe drinking water. When they don’t have any access to a safe water source, our Water Interventions allow our church partners to provide solutions such as boreholes, wells and rainwater catchment systems.

Inspiration corner: Betty and her mum Evelyn certainly don’t take access to clean water for granted. They used to travel long distances every day to collect the only water available. Yet it was dirty and often made Betty sick.

images of water

“We [used to] drink the same water as the pigs and cows,” says Evelyn. “Once Betty got so sick she had to go to the hospital and we found out she had typhoid.”

Seeing the need, Compassion, in partnership with the local church, built a borehole which now serves the Compassion project and local families in the community. Evelyn is overjoyed that Betty’s health has already improved. “Ever since they brought in the new water, my child has not suffered from any water-related diseases like typhoid.”

Wellness action plan tip 6: Plan a healthy meal

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31

Eating a balanced diet, rich in vitamins, can help improve your mood and overall wellbeing.

Compassion programme fact: Thanks to their sponsor, children receive nutritional support to keep them well and healthy. This is always contextualised to a child’s situation. 

Adjo a cook in Togo

Adjo has helped prepare chicken peanut stew and other meals for the most vulnerable children in her community since 2012.

In Togo, when Compassion projects are open, children in the Compassion programme receive breakfast and lunch during their project activities. This means Adjo and the other kitchen volunteers have cooked more than 600 times to provide the children with nutritionally balanced meals since the local church began partnering with Compassion.

Stew recipe

“I want to thank Compassion for the support they’ve given to us volunteers,” says Adjo.

“On Fridays we come and wash everything the children are going to use. On Saturday morning we bring the clean dishes out and pray. After praying we divide into groups. One group prepares breakfast of tea and porridge. The other groups prepare lunch.”

Christian wellness action plan tip 7: Meditate on God’s word

“Jesus answered, ‘It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'” Matthew 4:4

The truth of the Bible helps us lift our eyes from our own situations and to the goodness and provision of God our heavenly Father. Find a time slot today to step away from screens and open God’s word away from distractions. Focus on encouraging Bible verses that remind you of God’s promises in your life. You can also check out our free Bible study resources here.

Compassion programme fact: Through the local church, children have opportunities to hear how much God loves them.

Inspiration corner: We love nine-year-old Elvis’ passion for reading God’s word! When the older children at his Compassion project were due to receive their Bibles, Elvis made a special request to get one early.

Bible in Bolivia

“Elvis was little, and Bibles weren’t yet being given to the children his age. He couldn’t even read very well yet, but he kept saying, ‘I want my Bible,” explains his tutor Ruben.

“He was desperate to have a Bible. I tried to comfort him by offering him a snack instead, but he insisted, ‘No, I’m not hungry. I want a Bible!’”

Seeing his heart for reading God’s word, Ruben made special arrangements for Elvis to collect his Bible early. “I wanted it so that I could learn more about God,” Elvis says. “My favourite Bible story is about Jesus’ birth. Genesis is also one of my favourite books.”

If you loves these wellness tips, please check out:

Becca Stanley

Words by Becca Stanley, Emily Johnstone


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Compassion UK Christian Child Development, registered charity in England and Wales (1077216) and Scotland (SC045059). A company limited by guarantee, Registered in England and Wales company number 03719092. Registered address: Compassion House, Barley Way, Fleet, Hampshire, GU51 2UT.