Excelling against the odds

Haitian student Godson has flourished into a national success

Today after years of study and seemingly endless hours of revision, students across the UK open that all important letter containing their exam results. For many, it will be a joyous occasion, a chance to celebrate with friends and family and look forward to the future with excitement.

For Haitian teen Godson, it’s an opportunity to reflect on the impact Compassion, his sponsorship and the local church have had on shaping his life, since he joined the project at seven years old.

Godson grew up in the tiny community of Bertin with his family of six. Surrounded by muddy roads and poor construction, the community lacks access to basic infrastructure such as electricity and water sanitation and the majority of children do not go to school. Despite his difficult circumstances, Godson was determined to work hard in his studies. This led to him being honoured with a very special distinction in the national exams.

Thanks to Compassion, his sponsor and the local church, Godson was provided with the support and motivation he needed to become one of the top nine laureates in the official grade 13 exams, an exceptional academic achievement.

“I am one of the official exams laureates today, not because I am the brightest student” he beamed. “It is because of the support of my project workers who helped teach me patience, hard work and discipline.”

Passing the official exams of grade 13, which allows access to the University, is one of the greatest challenges for students in Haiti. A lack of access to good quality education means that as many as 60 percent of students fail the official entry exams.

After that, students have to face another challenge, the limitation of the state university capacity. Only 10 percent of students pass the selective entrance exam. The remaining students then have to choose between attending expensive private universities or studying from home.

Godson went on to pass the admittance exam to attend the National Institute of Administration, Management and International Studies to study Administration and Management. 

“My project workers have always motivated me to work hard to accomplish my goals,” he said. “Since the age of 12, I have filled out my ‘Plan for Tomorrow’ which is a great way of documenting my hopes and dreams for the future.”

“My sponsor’s love and support also motivate me, through their encouraging letters and prayers I am inspired to do better every day.”

Godson’s mother proudly describes the difference Compassion has made in her son’s life. “In the beginning, Godson was very aggressive. But, little by little, he learnt patience and discipline and has now become a role model for other children in the projects, his church and community. His former teachers, school friends and neighbours are all very proud of what he has accomplished, we call him our national laureate.”

CDSP- Godson and his Mother

Godson’s horizon is filled with opportunities and he is driven to use his success to reach his career goals and help his community.

“After completing my major in Administration and Management, I want to go to medical school and become a doctor,” he said. “My dream is to create the biggest hospital infrastructure in the country, and I trust God to help me.”

Jennie Taylor

Words by Jennie Taylor


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