As a mum, I’ve always enjoyed meeting other mothers and learning about their families. So I was particularly excited when, two years ago, I was invited to visit Uganda with Compassion and Spring Harvest. The trip gave me a firsthand look at how the local church, in partnership with Compassion, is serving and supporting vulnerable children and their families.
One memorable afternoon, I visited the home of Devine, a mum to three teenagers. At that time, one of Devine’s children was a participant in the Compassion programme, and she shared her life story through tears. Her circumstances were extremely challenging, and despite her warm welcome and sparkling personality, I could see how hard it was for her to care for her children. As a mum, my heart went out to her, and I never forgot her resilience and kindness towards us.
A few months later, I learned that Devine’s two teenage sons had also been enrolled in the Compassion programme. This meant they could return to school and receive much-needed support for their health and well-being. I called my 24-year-old daughter Izzy (who also serves at Spring Harvest) and without hesitation we agreed to both act as sponsors.
Then, a few months ago, both Izzy and I were invited to go on a follow-up trip to Uganda as part of the Spring Harvest team. We’d be seeing the work of the local church and Compassion again, and we’d get to visit Devine and her sons. What a blessing it was to know I’d get to connect with Devine again!
Well, a lot can happen in a family in two years! Devine certainly looked healthier and happier, and although their circumstances are still challenging, the outlook for her children has been genuinely transformed. What a joy it was to meet the boys we’d been writing to and to enjoy the warmest hospitality imaginable. Devine and I sat together, two mothers with our children. We both have dreams, hopes and prayers that our kids will flourish and thrive.
As I reflected, I saw how much I take for granted. I never had to worry about money for education or medicine for my girls. I’ve always had a secure home and enough to eat. It’s fair to say, Devine’s relentless trust in God and her hard work were an inspiration to me. I continue to pray for her and her children daily.
I’m thrilled that Spring Harvest is partnering with Compassion again this year. In April we’ll be exploring the theme, “No Greater Story”. Few of us get the perfect story we’d like, but we’re all invited into God’s greater redemptive story of hope.
We can also write a better story than we currently see, both locally and globally, and so everyone, no matter how young or old, will be encouraged to get involved with Compassion’s mission. Through prayer and giving, we can all come alongside local churches who are tirelessly working to break the generational cycles of poverty and bring God’s light and love into their communities.
It’s a powerful blessing when people of all ages, from different churches and parts of the world, come together to make a difference.
We’d love you to join us at Spring Harvest this year. Come and see what God is doing across the generations, and across the nations. It’s a wonderful opportunity to be part of God’s greater story.
Cathy Madavan is an author and speaker, and part of the Spring Harvest planning group. Spring Harvest is a multi-denominational, muti-generational event held every spring at Butlins. This year the dates are Skegness 7-11 April and Minehead 14-18 April. For tickets and further information:
This blog first appeared on Premier Christianity: A Greater Story: Connecting Lives Across Generations | Advertorial | Premier Christianity