As a result of the escalating conflict in Ethiopia, we’ve made some changes to how we’re delivering Compassion’s programme there, including pausing letters and gifts. Learn more >
As a result of the escalating conflict in Ethiopia, we’ve made some changes to how we’re delivering Compassion’s programme there, including pausing letters and gifts.
Learn more >
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The Compassion difference
Our approach to fighting poverty is highly focused and personal. We show every child that they matter, linking them with one sponsor whose support gives them hope and a future.

Christ Centred
Jesus is at the centre of everything we do. Our programmes show God’s love to children living in poverty. Whilst Christ’s love motivates us, we help children and families from all backgrounds, regardless of belief.
Jesus is at the centre of everything we do. Our programmes show God’s love to children living in poverty. Whilst Christ’s love motivates us, we help children and families from all backgrounds, regardless of belief.

Church Driven
We believe the Church is the hope of the world. We run our programmes in exclusive partnership with more than 8,600 local churches, across 29 countries, because they know their communities inside out.
We believe the Church is the hope of the world. We run our programmes in exclusive partnership with more than 8,600 local churches, across 29 countries, because they know their communities inside out.

Child Focused
We intentionally begin with children, the most vulnerable to the devastating effects of poverty. We support children in every area of their lives, tackling the root causes of poverty that hold them back.
We intentionally begin with children, the most vulnerable to the devastating effects of poverty. We support children in every area of their lives, tackling the root causes of poverty that hold them back.
Begin with a child like Monica
“I’ve been going to the project since I was about three years old! I love meeting my friends there. We play dodgeball, netball, we enjoy skipping and playing on the swings. We also have Bible studies, which I really enjoy.My sponsors are Karina and Tom. They’re very caring – they tell me they’re praying for me. Maybe if I’d never had a sponsor, I wouldn’t have gone to school. The sponsors mean our church can run this whole project – it’s here that I’ve been supported through my education. And the project staff – Aunt Kazzia, Aunt Liz and Aunt Susan – they’re all so approachable and caring.
I dream of becoming an accountant. I want to help my mother have everything she needs in old age.” – 16-year-old Monica, Compassion participant, Uganda
Empower a changemaker like Emmanuel
“I grew up in a tough environment. I stayed with my grandmother and life was hard. Water entered the house because it was thatched. We used to sleep on beds made by my grandfather himself. We were also food insecure.Being sponsored really helped me. Firstly, spiritually … My life changed from there. In education, going to school, they made sure my fees were paid. What really spurred me on was the encouragement. I could now see the light and realised that I could reach a certain point.
Today I am a welder. I craft items needed by the community such as desks and swings. I also teach children at the [Compassion] centre at weekends. I really desire that they get to learn just as I did.” – Emmanuel, Compassion graduate, Tanzania
Come alongside a pastor like Deivis
“I love my community. People here are the most hardworking you can find, but poverty seems to be a constant fight. Parents can’t find stable jobs … and now, with the food crisis, prices are increasing. A year ago, potatoes cost $1 but now they’ve doubled in price. The situation has pushed many families to go from three meals a day to just one.We’re committed to providing for the most vulnerable families. We’re working with families so they can grow their own businesses and become self-sustainable. Working with Compassion has been such a blessing.
[At the project] children learn to trust Jesus. They dream. They play. They eat. They receive medical assistance and other opportunities to defeat poverty. As a pastor I care for families, I care for children. My mission is to help them thrive and rise above these crises. And I hope others can do that too.” – Deivis, Pastor of Compassion Partner Church, Colombia
How do you solve a problem like poverty?
Poverty is complex. It can be hard to know where to start and how to make a difference?
That’s why we invite you to begin with a child. When you sponsor a child with Compassion, you’ll provide them with nutritious food, access to education, health checks and the care of the local church. Your prayers and messages of encouragement will help build their confidence and affirm their worth in Christ.
Children in poverty are disproportionately impacted by the global food crisis and the long-term impact of COVID-19. That’s why your sponsorship is more important than ever before.
Get involved
Use your passions, time and resources to bring hope to vulnerable children around the world.

Gifts of Compassion
Give a gift that changes lives—donate on behalf of a loved one and support children in poverty with healthcare and education. Explore our virtual gifts today!
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Sponsor A Child
For £32 per month you'll provide a child with nutritious food, access to education, health checks and the care of the local church.
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Job Opportunities
Browse our current job vacancies and consider joining a talented team where you can play your part in empowering children to overcome poverty. Working for Compassion is so much more than a job.
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Why choose Compassion as your Christian charity?
Discover why more than 86,000 people are changing lives with Compassion UK.

It’s so easy to spend money on coffees, magazines and treats without really thinking about it. But for the same cost each month you could change a child’s life and make a real difference.
Paul and Linda Coleman
Paul and Linda Coleman

Compassion child sponsorship is a beautiful way of connecting us to our global neighbour and reminding us that loving the poor is at the core of the gospel.
Andy Hawthorne - Founder and CEO of The Message Trust
Andy Hawthorne
Founder and CEO of The Message Trust

Nothing will ever change your life, break your heart or help you see the world the way God does, more than sponsoring a child. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done.
Shelley Moore - Bournemouth.
Shelley Moore

It’s powerful to see the difference you’re making in someone’s life. Through sponsorship, it has been encouraging to give a sense of hope to a child living in poverty.
Vino, Slough
Vino, Slough
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Compassion UK Christian Child Development, registered charity in England and Wales (1077216) and Scotland (SC045059). A company limited by guarantee, Registered in England and Wales company number 03719092. Registered address: Compassion House, Barley Way, Fleet, Hampshire, GU51 2UT.